

Why should my organization sponsor Ex Fabula?

Ex Fabula sponsorship will build awareness of your business or community group while demonstrating your commitment to uplifting the voices and stories of community members and Ex Fabula’s equity focused storytelling efforts.

There are 2 kinds of sponsorship, each with different benefits.

  • Ex Fabula Season sponsorship: full season or single event (available in early summer 2024)
  • Real Stories MKE (RSM) Radio show and podcast sponsorship

Here’s the full sponsorship package details including the benefit breakdown: S16 Sponsor levels

Interested in discussing? Contact us!

SKU: N/A Category:


Why should my organization sponsor Ex Fabula?

Ex Fabula sponsorship will build awareness of your business or community group while demonstrating your commitment to strengthening Milwaukee communities through one of the oldest and most accessible art forms: storytelling. But don’t take our word for it:

Each level includes a variety of benefits for your organization, including logo placement, free tickets, and more. Interested in discussing? Contact us!

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