For our Oct 13 event:
We’re looking for 2 people who want to tell a story together in the Duo or Rashomon format! You get 10 minutes to tell a shared story about a mutual experience together, or 5 minutes each to each tell your own version of a mutual experience. You’ll have a reserved spot at the event so you’ll be guaranteed to tell. Contact Amy at amy (at) to let me know why you have a great story to tell for the theme “Confessions”.
ALSO! Very exciting news:
Together with our awesome partners at High Frequency Media, we are looking for a solo storyteller to film before and during the event. They will film you talking about why you want to tell your story and your preparations to get ready to tell on the DAY of the event. You’ll have 5 minutes and be one of our reserved storytellers for the night. Your story might get chosen to be our featured video of the event!
Send us your pitch as to why your Confessions story is totally awesome and you should be filmed to amy (at) by this Friday 5 pm Oct 8 . Your story might be the get chosen to be our featured video of the event!
Otherwise, if you want to tell a Solo, come the night of the event by 7:45 to put your name in the hat. We can’t wait to hear all your Confessions on Wed, Oct 13th!
Ex Fabula
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